PUA: The “who lies more” opener

Hello readers,

In this blog post, I share with you a PUA (PickUp Artist) technique that I learned many years ago (around 2005). It is about an opener or a way to break the ice and talk to girls in coffeeshops especially if you are a shy guy.

The “Who lies more” opener is called an indirect opener and said to be originated by Style, author of “The Game” book.

I got to use this opener as soon as I read about it. Basically, all you have to do is find a girl or group of girls you want to approach and ask her or them:

Excuse ladies, my friends and I were chatting the other day and were wondering about something. I want to ask you: Who do you think lies more? Girls or Boys?

This opener will not get you in trouble, but nonetheless, be ready to hear some unexpected or cold replies. Here are some replies I got from some of the girls I approached in coffeeshops:

What a weird question, are you doing some sort of statistics!?


Well, I don’t know, sorry can’t help you answer this one.

Or simply cutting the conversation short and answering me coldly:


For me, after some field tests, it appears that you should have more openers and try to guess which opener to chose before approaching a girl.

Or you know what? Just be natural, smile and say “Hi” 🙂