Introducing COMPEL: A command based interpreter and programming language

imageToday I open source and share with you my final year project called COMPEL for my Computer Science degree from the American University of Science and Technology in Lebanon.

I started the project back in early 2006 and worked on it for something close to 6 month while maintaining a part time job, freelance jobs and my part time studies.

Today, 8 years later, when looking back at the amount of work I did and the level of professionalism, I am still satisfied with the COMPEL project.

I hope you will find this project useful! Continue reading

Watch the World Cup 2014 for free online


If you like soccer and the World Cup but yet cannot afford to leave your office or stop working then you are in luck.



You can do both: work and watch for free.

Look at my laptop screen capture: working and watching the first game on my Windows 8.1 laptop. I love the split screen experience! 🙂



RTE Sport launches the 2014 FIFA World Cup Coverage across television, radio and online!

You are on luck, no need for VPN access and all the workarounds!

Just go to the RTE Sport website @ and click on the “Live match”

For another list of streaming services, please check this blog post.

Enjoy! 🙂